Hi @Orangina - the progress of the compensation plan is currently at around 2/3rds. If you are still at that lower percentage, that may be because you haven’t joined some of the steps - for example, you may have skipped Step 1 that gives access to either Yolo Parrots (redeemable for PNT tokens, in case you don’t care about using these NFTs). Considering all of the steps in the compensation plan, the current progress is around 2/3rds done and it is expected to reach completion within 2 or 3 months as planned.
The compensation plan has been discussed in length and the funds directed to the CP reimbursement were allocated to it a while ago. For this reason, the current PIP17 draft proposal has nothing to do with it.
If you are interested in discussing further the compensation plan, please refer to the relevant thread.
It is because of the compensation plan that the DAO Treasury is currently empty as both the DAO and the team have dedicated resources to cover for it. This PIP17 draft proposal aims to address this very point. The costs to support the pNetwork project (yield farming, security and development) are significant, but currently they cannot be covered by the DAO even though it is the entire pNetwork DAO community benefiting from it in terms of project health and growth. This PIP17 draft proposal aims to give more control to DAO participants over the project by refilling the DAO Treasury, hence giving them control on how costs are allocated.
In order for these costs to be more visible for the community, the core team will shortly share material showing costs allocation and figures based on historical data, so to make it more accessible for the community to see what it takes to maintain pNetwork strong and healthy.